Wednesday 14 February 2007

Iain Dale's Diary: Britain Bottom of Children's League

Iain Dale's Diary: Britain Bottom of Children's League

Kids - Our Future

What is happening to our kids and youths in this country? Very recently I moved to the South West Country (Exeter) having come to a cross- roads in my life. I had a very stable up-bringing and was fortunate enough to travel to other parts of the world because of my father's career in the Royal Airforce. My Mum or Dad were always there to come home to and my Mum would spend her day as a homemaker (housewife) providing us with home produced food and clean clothing maticulously ironed for the next day.

So where did it all go wrong for kids of today and the next generation of parents, captains of industry and the future workforce? The latest United Nations report is so depressing to read but confirms what many of us parents already know. When my wife and I applied to the local comprehensive school to take our twins for their year 9 attendance they had to sit an assessment test so that the school could put them into their relevant streams. It was no surprise but none the less shocking to find that there were gaping holes and deficiencies in their learning capabilities.
They had attended a school in Dover Kent and seemed to be treading water with their learning. Why was this? The answer was simple in hindsight and boiled down to the fact that very few of the kids wanted to learn and the teachers were frustrated with the P.C. top down directives that Mr Blair's government and the school, have put into place. This has had a stranglehold on the whole educational and care institutions of our once great nation. What example do we as parents set our kids by working for a tax-rich administration that clogs up the wheels of progress? Britain is becoming a third world state and most of our cultural elements that were once so attractive to outsiders have gone.